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Please find below the Terms and Conditions under which we offer our services. By making a booking or using any of our services (e.g. attending a class or event) you agree to accept and abide by these terms.



If you miss a class

We are unable to give refunds for, or carry over to a future booking, class sessions or workshops that you can't attend.


Depending on availability and any health/government guidelines on mixing established groups it may be possible for you to make up missed classes by attending a different class the same week or within your current block of classes; receiving a class recording instead; or offering the class to a friend if you know in advance you won't make it.  You could gift it to a friend or they could reimburse you.  Just ask, and please always inform us if someone else is attending in your place - this is for Health & Safety of the person replacing you. 


If a class is cancelled by BellyTots you will be offered a replacement class or a voucher to use in future. 


Where the cancellation of an in person class is due to factors beyond our control, such as coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions or severe weather warnings, we reserve the right to substitute face to face sessions with online classes, and in these instances, a partial refund will be given.


Safety Information

Please ensure you have filled in the appropriate sections of the health & safety form before attending any class.  You only need to fill it in once but you should keep us informed of any changes to health & wellbeing (adults and/or babies) that could affect safety in class. 


Your baby (or babies) is/are your responsibility during the class. Please supervise them closely during sessions and particularly during the use of equipment. 


At all times please follow instructions and guidelines carefully, including any guidelines imposed by the venue or other authorities.


In order to help prevent the risk of the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID 19, Norovirus and other bugs, there may be measures in place for those attending classes which you will be asked to adhere to. These could include washing or sanitising hands, keeping a certain distance from others not from your household, following directional signage in relation to the venue, or other similar measures. Please ensure to follow these guidelines.


No liability can be accepted for any incident that occurs due to this guidance not being followed.


BellyTots is committed to good cleaning of equipment.  This includes wiping down with disinfectant as required and machine washing items between uses wherever possible.  


While BellyTots makes every effort to ensure the safety and comfort of you and your baby (when with you) during the sessions, participation in our activities, and the use of any equipment is at your own risk.


BellyTots holds both professional and public liability insurance.


Healthy Babies and Adults

You and your child should remain at home if they or you have had vomiting or diarrhoea within the past 48 hours. No one should attend class if they have a fever.


We reserve the right to refuse admittance to the class if we feel that the child or adult is too ill to participate.



Adults and babies should wear soft, stretchy clothes ready for activity (dresses/skirts are not usually suitable). For Baby Yoga Explore, adults and children should have non-slip socks/slippers. In all other classes, bare feet or socks are required. 


Please check your confirmation email for any equipment you should bring to your class ie: an exercise mat.


Any jewellery, with the exception of religious items and small stud earrings, should be removed from babies before starting the class. Adults should also avoid jewellery that could get caught up or cause scratching when participating in class activities.


Photography and Video

From time to time we may request to take photographs or shoot video during classes to use for marketing and promotional purposes, which may include, but is not limited to, use on social media, promotional materials or our website.

You will be asked at or prior to the first class where this takes places whether or not you consent to being included in these images or footage and images and usage will be in relation to our privacy policy. Where images are used in this way no additional personal information or names will be linked to them, unless specific additional permission is sought from the individuals involved.


BellyTots is happy for you to take photographs of your own child during classes. If you wish for another child to be in the picture please seek permission from the adult accompanying that child before taking pictures and, particularly, before sharing that photo on Social Media.


What If my baby doesn't want to participate?

At BellyTots, we let the baby be the guide. At this early age, not participating in an activity is entirely appropriate. As with anything new it may take time for babies to settle in to the classes, and it is not expected that they will want to join in with everything straight away, or be able to make it through a full session without a feed, nap or nappy change, when they are very young. Do feel relaxed in class to attend to your baby as needed. 


You will see progress in yourself and your baby much more quickly when the class becomes a regular part of your week. Once you and baby settle in and become used to the classes, your's and their enjoyment and level of development increases enormously.



Safety measures specific to â€‹online classes

Any participation in online classes still requires safety measures to be taken. All activities require Adult Supervision if babies are included, and care must be taken for all. The area to be used at home must be clear and free from hazards or other issues that could cause injury whilst participating in the online sessions. You must also ensure that any equipment you are using for any session is suitable for the activity being demonstrated/participated in. By taking part in any BellyTots class online you acknowledge and accept that you do so at you own risk, and should take appropriate steps to ensure that participation can be carried out without injury either by participation or by hazards or equipment used.

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