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Amazing newborns!

Liz Sheridan

At the BellyTots Relax, Stretch & Breathe Pregnancy Class this week (Mon 21st Oct 2019), our theme will be: The amazing things that newborns can do.

It really is incredible how many skills newborns are born with. They are not quite as helpless as we may fear. Have a look at this incredible video of newborns crawling to the breast to feed by themselves. Some of them still have vernix on them which is the valuable, white creamy moisturiser that waterproofs their skin in the

womb. It just sinks in naturally within half an hour of birth and is great for their skin. The mums are confident to be filmed with nothing on.....just so you're prepared!

We'll have a look at some pictures of one amazing newborn responding at birth.

I also wrote a short blog post on weird but normal things newborns do. Let us know at the short intro round at the class what you think about any of this. Are you fascinated? Reassured? Nervous? Concerned? Not feeling attached yet? As always....anything goes....

After our short discussion we'll get into our normal deep breathing and gentle stretching with general preparation for labour woven in. Ending, of course, with time to just be with your baby in our deep relaxation.

Our next birth partner's class will be late Nov/early Dec. Bring your birth partner for a taster of what we do in the class and lots of hints and tips to support you in labour inc massage, breathing, positions and more. In the first session we will focus on straightforward birth and in the second session we'll focus on how birth partners can support when things are not so straightforward and also for a C-birth.

Our next Meet-a-Mama Monday is 28th Oct. We have a shorter intro round so we can finish 15mins earlier to enjoy our discussion then - with a cuppa and a chat plus an opportunity to swap contact details/establish postnatal buddies/start WhatsApp groups etc.. Mamas who have given birth would be incredibly welcome to come back and show off their babies at 8.45pm on that evening.

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